The specific services offered by Dimension Advertising Company may vary, but they could include:

Consultation: Meeting with clients to discuss their advertising needs, target audience, and advertising goals.

Creative design: Creating visually appealing print ads that effectively communicate the desired message to the target audience.

Copywriting: Developing compelling headlines, taglines, and body copy that effectively convey the message of the ad.

Layout and production: Designing and preparing the ad for final production, including selecting appropriate images, fonts, and colors.

Print coordination: Coordinating with printers to ensure that the final product is of high quality and delivered on time.

Ad placement: Helping clients select the appropriate publications and media outlets for their ads to reach their target audience.

Campaign measurement: Tracking and analyzing the success of print advertising campaigns to refine and improve future campaigns.

It’s important to note that these are just some examples of the services that Dimension Advertising Company could offer in relation to print advertising. The actual services offered may vary depending on the needs of the client and the expertise of the agency.